
I have purchased a new domain name! The design and implementation of the website will take time (because I want it to be flawless and informative just for YOU), but I think it will be worth the wait.

The main purpose of a website vs. this blog, is that I’d like people to be able to go to the website and immediately locate the information THEY find necessary to them. Whether you like scary rides or children’s rides, the information you select will be displayed. I also would like a more simplified explanation of what I’m trying to accomplish with Mickey Math.

If any of you have ideas PLEASE let me know! My new mentor at work had the brilliant idea (and giving, kind heart) to suggest I create an app. He knows a lot about Android apps, but I don’t know a ton about iPhone apps at this point. If any of my followers and friends have something they want to see on this app or on the website, please let me know so I can try to incorperate it for you.

Another coworker of mine is going to Disney WORLD for 3 weeks over Christmas. This is fabulous news for a lot of you because that means I will soon have data for Disney World, and she will be able to check the accuracy for me! I’m so excited to expand the data for you all.

In other (more personal news) I picked a photographer for my engagements. I was really moved by this photoshoot she did here: inner i art.

Who has gone to Disney recently? I’ve been off the grid, so to speak, and am having a hard time staying on top of all you fabulous Disney fans.


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