
I have purchased a new domain name! The design and implementation of the website will take time (because I want it to be flawless and informative just for YOU), but I think it will be worth the wait.

The main purpose of a website vs. this blog, is that I’d like people to be able to go to the website and immediately locate the information THEY find necessary to them. Whether you like scary rides or children’s rides, the information you select will be displayed. I also would like a more simplified explanation of what I’m trying to accomplish with Mickey Math.

If any of you have ideas PLEASE let me know! My new mentor at work had the brilliant idea (and giving, kind heart) to suggest I create an app. He knows a lot about Android apps, but I don’t know a ton about iPhone apps at this point. If any of my followers and friends have something they want to see on this app or on the website, please let me know so I can try to incorperate it for you.

Another coworker of mine is going to Disney WORLD for 3 weeks over Christmas. This is fabulous news for a lot of you because that means I will soon have data for Disney World, and she will be able to check the accuracy for me! I’m so excited to expand the data for you all.

In other (more personal news) I picked a photographer for my engagements. I was really moved by this photoshoot she did here: inner i art.

Who has gone to Disney recently? I’ve been off the grid, so to speak, and am having a hard time staying on top of all you fabulous Disney fans.


My Disney Trip

I should probably split this post into a few different ones because my day at Disney was BUSY. As I was boarding Winnie the Pooh, the worker asked about my shirt and I explained my goal for being efficient in the park. She told me the average rides ridden in a day is 7. We more than tripled this!

I am going to list the order of events and describe some newly discovered things in this post and tell you about wait time accuracy in another post where I will calculate standard deviations between posted time on the app, posted time on the signs, and the actual wait time.

Order of Events

  1. Space Mountain
  2. Peterpan
  3. Mr Toads
  4. Snow White
  5. Pinocchio
  6. Space Mountain
  7. Star Tours
  8. Indiana Jones
  9. Haunted Mansion
  10. Winnie the Pooh
  11. Indiana Jones
  12. Splash Mountain
  13. Pirates of the Caribbean
  14. Fantasy Fair
  15. Captain EO
  16. Star Tours
  17. Buzz Lightyear
  18. Haunted Mansion
  19. Winnie the Pooh
  20. Asimo
  21. Train
  22. Soundsational Parade
  23. Small World
  24. Splash Mountain
  25. Fireworks
  26. Space Mountain
  27. Space Mountain

We left the park about an hour before it closed because we were EXHAUSTED. If you notice, we did not do Matterhorn. The stupid thing was closed for about 6 days and we happened to be there at that time. Of course you all know Thunder Mountain is closed until October so we didn’t do that ride either. We were going to head to Fantasmic after our two times through Space Mountain but decided we should save our selves for California Adventure the next day.

Some things I learned and Observed

We did Indiana twice and had plans to do it a third time single rider so I could post a video of the new effects but it was closed! I was right in my last post when I said Indiana has a new effect right when you go through the doors. I was so happy we went through two different doors because it turns out each door has a different effect! It was very neat.

Fantasy Faire is actually kind of fun. I never really went to meet characters because my mom never bought me the autograph books or dressed me in anything cute (poor deprived me) BUT the wait was only like 10 minutes and it was kinda funny. Turns out I’m the right height for Sleeping Beauty. Observe.


Too bad I’m not graceful or beautiful. I do have the height thing going for me though!

Asimo is still very cheesy and not worth seeing more than once. I’ve seen it twice and I don’t care to ever see it again.

I went at a very fast pace and ended up walking 10.5 miles or 27.300 steps. I. Was. Tired.

Thanks to everyone who came up and said hi! I met some wonderful new people.

The Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by The Love Pirate! Basically, it sounds like a way for bloggers with less than 200 followers to get together and get to know each other. I love this!


The rules for accepting the Liebster Award are as follows:

1. List 11 facts about myself

2. Nominate 11 bloggers for the award (YAY!)

3. Let them know about the nomination

4. Answer the 11 questions I was asked when nominated

5. Ask 11 questions for the new award winners to answer.

11 Facts about myself:

  1. I really love palindromes. I was born in 1991. I turned 11 in 2002. And my name is Anna! I’m excited to have a wedding on a palindrome (4-14-14?)
  2. I would so much rather email than make a phone call. I’m fabulous at sounding professional via email. Phone calls, not so much.
  3. My mom always thought I’d be a radio DJ so I’m working on a podcast so she can listen to my voice like she always dreamed (ha!)
  4. I danced at Southwest Contemporary Dance since the age of 3 and really owe a lot of my favorite childhood memories to dance.
  5. I think traveling is the best way to spend money. I want to go to Greece someday soon.
  6. My parents are happily married and my role models for happiness. I hope my marriage can be even a fraction of what they’ve built their’s into.
  7. If I had it my way, I would work in a cubicle and work at my own pace by myself all day long.
  8. I used to hate cats until I got our family cat, Bobbi. Then I got my baby Echelon from a cardboard box outside of Walmart. He is my therapy cat and without him, I have an extremely hard time sleeping (I’m basically a zombie right now because I haven’t had him about a month.)
  9. I grew up in a tight-knit Mormon community with 12 other girls my age. We still are all in communication and I can’t wait for another reunion!
  10. I was the lead in my high school musical. (Adelaide in Guys and Dolls.)
  11. I know how to work nearly every office appliance in the world: phones, copiers, fax machines, scanners, you name it I’ve probably used it. (My job is to float around and figure them out, basically.)

Nominate 11 bloggers for the award (no specific order)

  1. Wine With Ice
  2. Design Wine Sunshine
  3. Stephanie-isms
  4. Disney Postcards
  5. Password: Quilt
  6. Hot Moggie Lately
  7. 365 Days at Disney
  8. Forever Young
  9. Collect Create Circulate
  10. ThreadTime
  11. Mating Habits of the Modern Geek

Answer the 11 questions I was asked when nominated

1. Do you play any musical instruments?  If so, what?  If not, what do you wish you could play?

I played the french horn pretty seriously. I dropped out because one specific person was very rude to me in high school and chose to be a math aid, which made me realize how good I am at explaining math! Yay!

2. Who is your favorite actor or actress and why?

Probably Colin Mochrie. Does that count? He’s my favorite of all time! Also Steve Carrell. And AMY POEHLER! Too many to choose from I guess.

3. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I don’t care,just no snow please. In all seriousness, probably New Mexico or Arizona.

4. If you could go into space, would you?

Not just no, hell no. I hate heights and have a fear of falling.

5. What’s your favorite charitable organization?

I really like Best Friends because I think pet adoption is extremely important.

6. What’s the first movie you remember that made you cry?

Lion King. Ok maybe Snow White because I was straight up terrified of that haunted forest.

7. How many countries have you visited, if any?

Not enough! I’ve been to the Caribbean, Mexico and Canada (for family reunions,)

8. Here’s a cliche one: if you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Probably to be invisible. People aren’t always my favorite.

9. What one cause are you most passionate about?

Well this is kind of like the one before but I would definitely say pet adoption. I don’t like to know people are breeding animals than forking out a lot of money to buy them when poor animals are dying everyday that need love,too.

10. What book are you currently reading?

Paradox by Jim Al-Khalili

11. What Hogwarts house would you be in?

Probably Slytherin.. If we’re being honest.

Ask 11 questions for the new award winners to answer.

  1. What’s your favorite number and why?
  2. What’s your favorite ride at Disneyland?
  3. Who’s your favorite Disney Villain?
  4. What is your earliest childhood memory?
  5. Describe yourself in one word.
  6. Would you rather use lined, plain or graph paper and why?
  7. Who is your best friend and why?
  8. What is your favorite word?
  9. If you had 10,000 dollars what would you do with it?
  10. What book are you currently reading?
  11. What’s your favorite blog post ever?

Have fun! I sure did! Thanks again Love Pirate (I might start calling my boyfriend that just for fun.)